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Al-Quran Family


Islamic family should act as:

A mosque

A fortress

A hospital

A school


The strategy in achieving this:


The discussion:

Relevancy of the topic

We should not just focus on one implementation on this topic but we should also look at other angle.

Even that we are not planed to get married at this time we must know these theory so that we can implement it in the future. This theory can also be applied to the community level, national and the whole world because in Islam every Muslim are related to each other as family so, we can bring comfort and help each other like what we would do with our family member.

Everyone in the world are part of a family so, we should act as what we are in that family. If we are a son or daughter then we should think what we can do as a child to help my family in achieving Al-Quran Family? What have we done in achieving this? Is my family Al-Quran family? Those are the things that we have to evaluate and after that act on it. I believe that every little theory that Islam introduced can be used at any situation or time and relevant to our daily life.

Image of Islam In The Eyes of Others

The Muslim world used to create the own knowledge at the time of Turk-Uthmaniah but now we (Muslim) have to refer to the western world for knowledge. This happened because lack of written dakwah, reference book and studies. We are lucky because we has been given a chance to study oversea for knowledge. So we should use the opportunity to learn everything and become the future intellectual of Islam. We have to make the western refers to us rather that we to them.

Women Should Take Care of Their Husband

“Women love to be beautiful and they should be with the intention of pleasing their husband so they will get “pahala” and got to do the things that they like”. Killing two birds with one stone.


Dating (a guy seeking a women he intended to marry, checking her palm and face but with the company of his woman relative) is permitted as long as there is more that two people involved (a female relative accompany the woman) to think that if we are uncomfortable with the situation is because of the religion or our custom. For “ibadah”, everything else is haram except what has been permitted, for custom, everything is halal except what has been said as haram.



Abdullah Mapol

University of Queensland

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